This week, Moja Gear is featuring a new rock climbing YouTuber that is taking the climbing video world by storm. Albert Ok has been dropping videos like crazy since he started 2 months ago. He is now up to 14 videos!
If you find it difficult to watch the 4 hour long broadcasts of climbing competitions from the IFSC, then Albert Ok’s highlights and beta analysis videos are perfect for you.
In this video, Albert breaks down how competition problems are incorporating paddling more and more these days. This style of climbing isn’t very practical on real rock and befuddled Adam Ondra for much of his time on the problem … until Ondra performed a jaw-dropping Beta Break. Watch how Albert OK reveals the mastery displayed by Ondra when the pressure is on.
With videos on Beta Breaks, climbing style analysis, and even some coaching with Geek Climber, you’ll probably spend the next a couple of hours binging on Albert Ok. And that’s A. OK with us!
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