“Wait, this is the wrong mountain all-together,” Joe and I said in unison as we compared the guidebook picture of Cathedral Peak to the mountain looming over us. Change of plans.
An hour later, standing on top of Unicorn peak, however, everything felt in its right place. “Peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God”[1] and success in climbing is found not where it’s expected. Around the next hill, or the next wrong turn may be your dream climb or your next Grandpa story.
I’ve come to learn that moments are often made when one’s expectations are miles from their results (4.6 miles to be exact).
[1] Vonnegut, Kurt. Cat’s Cradle. New York, NY: Delta Trade Paperbacks, 1998. Print.This is a Campfire post; a short feature of 110 words or less and only one photo. Want to take on the challenge? Become a contributor today.