For Kathy Karlo, life is art—it’s about making something, putting it out there, sharing a message. And that’s just what she’s doing with For the Love of Climbinga project focused on the climbing lifestyle: the love of it, the heartbreak, the sends, failures, and everything in between.

Originally from Brooklyn before migrating west, Kathy’s story is one of finding herself—gaining confidence and overcoming self-doubts. Kathy explained to us:

When I started climbing, I was in a space where I didn’t totally know who I was or what my self-worth was. It has given me a better understanding of who I am—I’m on a different path now.

Helping to share Kathy’s story was Sean Feiertag. Unplanned and rooted in the inspiration he recognized as a non-climber looking into the climbing community, Sean shot this short film to be shared with climbers and non-climbers alike. “I want to work with passionate people. I want to tell those stories and that was at the heart of what we created … [Kathy is] the model for that, what others look to for inspiration,” Sean said via email.

And sharing the message outside of climbing is a key intent for the film. The story offers inspiration to test your limits, to chase your dreams, to break down fears.

Now I’m the type of person that does things I may not be ready for—I don’t let fears or insecurities stop me. All the reasons I would have normally said no to something, are now the reasons I say yes. – Kathy Karlo

To learn more about Kathy Karlo, follow her on Instagram and check out her website.

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