None of us are strangers to coping with the many obstacles the sport of climbing provides … in fact, that’s part of the draw. In this week’s Flick Pick, you’ll see an ultra captivating look at the motivation and diligence of climber, Romain Pagnoux —a not-so-typical 5.14 climber who has dealt with a fixed ankle for most of his life. His honest dedication to training and continuous list of projects, however, has enabled him to achieve his goals.
If not for the story alone, enjoy this impeccably aesthetic French climbing film by Les Arts du Film, which follows Romain as he shares the challenges of his injuries, the creative training regimen he follows, and the passion he pulls to send his 5.14 projects in the Pyrenees.
(P.S., unless you’re fluent in French, don’t forget to turn on the subtitles!)
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