While most climbing performance books focus on external improvement (through training, nutrition, etc.) Modern Redpointing takes an inward dive.

The strategies presented are designed to improve your climbing outside of simply spending more time on the campus board or eating more veggies—the methods are actionable and require no equipment and no partner … just an open mind and a willingness to experiment.

Written by Georgie Abel and supplemented with audio and video, this guide explores topics that until now, have rarely been spoken of in rock climbing literature. With an emphasis on breathing strategies, visualization, how to channel emotional energy, meditation, and more, this book will have you exploring new methods for climbing improvement. Chapters included in this eBook are:

  1. How to Choose a Project
  2. Projecting Strategies
  3. How to Breathe Properly While Climbing (also available on mojagear.com)
  4. Tips for Avoiding the Pump (also available on mojagear.com)
  5. Maintaining Mental Clarity
  6. Fear, Falling, and Our Relationship to Gravity
  7. Visualization and Meditation While Projecting
  8. Going for the Redpoint
  9. How to Handle Not Sending
  10. What to Do When You Send
  11. Bringing It All Together

And most importantly: Georgie’s strategies are effective. She’s given over 10 years of practice toward these methods and she has even worked with professional climbers and youth teams—using the exact tactics outlined in the publication.

It’s recommended to read this book slowly, providing ample time to give practice to the various techniques. Ready to take the plunge?

Modern Redpointing is available for little more than a latte: just 5 bucks. Your purchase directly supports the author.

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