Thanks for your interest in submitting your writing on rock climbing to Moja Gear. If this is your first time trying to get your work published, don’t be shy—we accept and thoroughly review all submissions, regardless of past writing experience.  Here are some ideas and examples to get you started!

In submitting, there are a few things to know:

Submit your content, including images, by sharing a Google Drive folder with [email protected].

  • Create a folder on Google Drive and write your article in Google Docs
  • Download the free version of Grammarly to your chrome browser to help with editing
  • Follow the writing guide for your type of piece (see below)
  • Create an article 1,000-3,000 words long.  Pieces that fully cover a topic and engage readers thoroughly through a topic with images, descriptions, videos and other engaging and useful content are more likely to rank higher on google search
  • Look for pages on and on google for related information to include or cite
  • Insert photos, that you own, into the folder with your Google Doc. Pictures bring a piece to life!! Don’t submit without any pictures.
    • Name your photos climber-route-photographer.jpg or person-location-photographer.jpg
    • i.e. alex-honnold-freerider-jimmy-chin.jpg
  • Insert notes into the piece where you think the photos should be included
    • i.e. [insert photo alex-honnold-freerider-jimmy-chin.jpg here]
  • Have someone proofread your writing for grammar, flow, and messaging
  • Submit your piece to MojaGear by sharing your folder including Google Doc and image files with [email protected]
  • Please note: by submitting, you agree to our terms of submission
  • If you’re submitting a destination, use this form instead

Review process and compensation

We will review your submission and get back to you within 10 days. If you don’t hear from us in 10 days, write and ask for an update. If your content is approved, you’ll be compensated via PayPal upon the week of publication. The compensation varies, so view our compensation breakdown.

Improve your chances of publication

It takes a tremendous amount of time and energy to take a piece and run it through review, editing, copy editing, layout, uploading, SEO, brand review, placement, and scheduling. Sometimes pieces on interesting topics are rejected because they are too expensive to edit, style, and prepare for publishing. Don’t let this happen to you! Follow the guidelines above to get reduce editing and photo work required.

If you have any questions, just get in touch.