We like climbing in beautiful places, and hey, so do you. So what do you say you join us for Halloween weekend in one of the greatest climbing destinations on Earth: Bishop, California?
Related: Climbing Destination Guide: Bishop, CA
From October 30 – 1 (yep, that’s Halloween weekend!), we’re hosting a FREE Moja Meetup —a time for a bunch of us rambunctious rock climbing folk to celebrate in doing what we love most: climbing (frighteningly large) rocks!
We’ll be camping out and holding most of the weekend’s festivities at the group site near the Peabody Boulders at the Buttermilks, located here. Don’t anticipate a massive production, but you should certainly expect a helluva good time …
Expect an awesome cup of coffee each and every morning (’cause how you gonna send your proj without dat caffeine doe?!), and morning yoga, led by our very own yogi, Georgie Abel. And because we’re a little nostalgic about our spooky days as 8-years-old, we’ll also be hosting a “Trick or Treat & Trade.”
You’re probably reasonably asking yourself:
What the hell is that?
Well, we ask that as participants of this Moja Meetup, you bring along a piece of gear (old jacket, a retro vest, climbing shoes, whatever!) you’d be willing to trade, as well as a 6-pack of beer/cider, which together will make for a pretty stellar beer and gear swap to take place on Saturday evening (Halloween night!).
Of course, we also encourage you to bring candy, if desired, because candy corn only comes around once a year, and no sane person should ever say no to candy corn.
Also, while costumes are definitely not mandatory, the top three costume wearers will win some pretty rad prizes! Other swag will likely also be granted to other ultra psyched attendees. Not sure what that means? (We don’t either yet …)
A rough schedule of events
Friday, October 30:
- 7pm: Campfire hangout
Saturday, October 31:
- 8am: Morning coffee
- 9 – 10am: Yoga with Georgie
- 6 – 7pm: Trick or Treat & Trade and costume prize winners announced
- 6(ish)pm: Photography workshop with Alex Manelis
- 7pm- whenever: Campfire hangout
Sunday, November 1:
- 8am: Morning coffee
- 9 – 10am: Yoga with Georgie
Stoked and wanna join us? IT’S FREE! Click below to give us your 10-second RSVP!
Get scared, ’cause you better believe shit is gonna get weird.