This week’s Friday Flick Pick takes a dive into highlights from G.G.B.Y. (Gobble, Gobble, Bitches, Yeah), an annual grassroots gathering that takes place at the Fruit Bowl outside of Moab, Utah around Thanksgiving, bringing together highliners, BASE jumpers, and countless other adventurers to celebrate a wide and wild array of unconventional disciplines.
Here at G.G.B.Y.—a visionary event brought to life by Sketchy Andy (Lewis) and Terry Acomb—it’s commonplace to see folks leaping off of 400-foot cliffs at every angle; whether that be on a massive rope swing, with a parachute, or on a rope-attached mountain bike. They might even be naked, too.
It’s like the Burning Man of climbing, slacklining, highlining, rope swinging, paramotoring and BASE jumping all combined.
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