Sexism, feminism, diversity, and accessibility … these are among the many complex topics that have emerged within the climbing community (and the outdoor community at large) in the past several years.
And while many of these challenging discussions have led to contention and controversy, they’ve unquestionably begun to force us all to ask ourselves the hard questions and consider how we as a community can and will develop into the future.
Step one in inspiring any real change starts with tackling our preconceived notions.
It’s years and years of assumptions that people have, deep-seated, and they don’t even know that they have those assumptions,
notes legendary climber, Lynn Hill.
This week’s Friday Flick Pick—featuring the perspectives of Shelma Jun, Lynn Hill, and Cedar Wright—challenges us to dive deeper into this discussion, further question our stereotypes, and consider the impact our community can make on a larger scale.
The issues that we are talking about in climbing are just a microcosm of what happens in society,
Points out Shelma Jun, founder of the Flash Foxy Women’s Climbing Festival.
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