The American Alpine Club, the nation’s leading mountaineering and climbing organization, today kicks off its largest fundraising membership drive of the year to combat threats to the vertical frontier. The T-shirt membership drive runs until July 1 and aims to educate the public about the club.
For climbers, public lands are not just our nation’s greatest asset, they are where we practice our craft. At the AAC we are committed to caring for our shared spaces and helping people enjoy them competently,
said AAC CEO Phil Powers.
“Every AAC membership strengthens our voice and our ability to advocate for our nation’s public lands.”
Any individual who joins or renews in June will receive a Jeremy Collins-designed “United We Climb” T-shirt and exclusive member benefits. All new or renewing members will also be entered to win an all-expenses-paid day of climbing in Rocky Mountain National Park with AAC athlete ambassador Sasha DiGiulian and AAC Education Director Ron Funderburke. The T-shirt is also available for purchase via a $25 donation on the AAC website.
As outdoor athletes and enthusiasts, we have a responsibility to our community beyond sheer performance,
said DiGiulian.
“We have platforms to reach more people than we may know personally, and connections to business leaders and politicians that can influence legislative changes. We need to band together and make our voices heard.”
Membership starts at $40. Benefits include: access to discounts at hundreds of gear shops, gyms, guide services and U.S. lodging facilities. Active AAC members also receive up to $12,500 in rescue benefits anywhere in the world.
For more information, follow the AAC on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or visit the website here.
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