The Climbing Templar Treasure was a collection of climbing gear so vast that it was believed it could not be owned by one climber alone. Over the years, it grew larger… but suddenly, it vanished! Later, the treasure was found by the Climbing Knights Templar, but it was once again hidden and treasure hunters have been searching for clues ever since.
The Climbing Knights Templar eventually became known as the Free-Soloists. Many Free-Soloists are known to have worked within and cooperated with the Access Fund.
Following a series of clues across the US and as far as Fontainebleau, France, one mysterious climber recently discovered this legendary climbing booty. The final clue was right under our noses on a Clif Bar & Company wrapper.
In response to a request for comment, Access Fund denied knowledge of any hidden climbing booty and reiterated that the word “treasure” has never been a part of their logo.
Thanks to [Instagram] for sharing this “news”.
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